Blacoh Sentinel™ Pressure and Back Pressure Relief Valves are instruments for preventing siphoning and stabilising dosage rates. Diaphragm back pressure valves are designed to enhance the performance of pumping systems by applying continuous back pressure to the system pump, while also acting as an anti-syphon valve. On the other hand, Diaphragm Pressure Relief Valves are designed to protect pumping systems from damage caused by excessive pressure, which is often the result of defective equipment or blockage in the pump line.
Robust construction, high reliability, low cost
Compact Size for OEM Applications
Adjustable spring pressure from 0.34 - 24.13 bar
3 Port, 2 Port & 90° Configuration
Vulcanized PTFE/EPDM Diaphragm
Wide Range of Materials for different applications
Optional 24.13 bar Rated Valve
Hybrid valve option
Full range of chemically resistant wetted materials
Temperature up to 60°C (Plastic) or 149°C (Metal)
Capacity up to 7570.82 li (Back pressure relief) or 16277.27 USgal (Pressure relief)
- Water And Wastewater Treatment
- Water Supply
- Food & Beverages
- Dairy
- Oil, Fat, Sauce And Mayonnaise
- Brewing And Beverages
- Bakery And Confectionery
- Pharmaceutical
- Chemical
- Transportation