Replacement Jabsco Pump for Bakery Client

Client: Bakery Client
July 2, 2024

The Problem

A bakery had an urgent breakdown on their existing batter pump used to transfer dough that’s made of abrasive flour. The pump continuously burnt out seals, leading to replacement of seals as frequent as every few days of running the pump. These frequent breakdowns caused the client costly repairs and wasted time, greatly affecting their bottom line.

The Solution

All-Pumps had Jasco lobe pumps in stock, enabling us to deliver a replacement pump to the client’s site in just a few days.
  • A Jabsco lobe pump solved our bakery client’s problem with frequent pump breakdowns and seal replacement.
  • A Jabsco lobe pump solved our bakery client’s problem with frequent pump breakdowns and seal replacement.

Project Highlights

Jabsco hygienic rotary lobe pumps are designed for high-sanitary applications including food processing like our client’s batter. Advantages of Jabsco pumps include:
  • Designed for easy maintenance and long service life
  • Reliable, high-performance pumps for continuous operation
  • High-quality end-product due to gentle, low-shear pumping
  • Versatile, efficient pumping of low-, medium- and high-viscosity fluids
  • Wide range of quality seals to choose from to suit every application requirement
The new Jabsco batter pump solved our bakery client’s problem on frequent seal replacement and has been running efficiently for a month now.
A Jabsco lobe pump solved our bakery client’s problem with frequent pump breakdowns and seal replacement.

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