ARBO Pumps

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ARBO is a manufacturer of excellent, extremely reliable, and corrosion-resistant pumps and filters for a wide range of industrial applications. With their product portfolio, ARBO provides a solution for practically every circulation, filtration or transport process.

ARBO pumps offer significantly longer service lives, thanks to the use of high-quality plastics. In the production of ARBO pumps, the following are taken into account to ensure reliable performance: simple construction, great uniformity of parts, use of only high-quality materials, simple maintenance, low energy costs and short payback times.

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arbo pumps chemical centrifugal pumpCENTRIFUGAL PUMPS
Max. pressure: 10 bar
Max. capacity: 500 m3/h
arbo pumps magnetic drive pumpMAGNETICALLY DRIVEN PUMPS
Maximum system pressure: 10 bar
Maximum flow rate: 60 m³ / h
arbo pumps seal less immersible centrifugal pumpsSEALLESS IMMERSIBLE PUMPS
Maximum flow rate: 300 m³ / h
Maximum head: 80 m

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