316 Stainless Steel Blowdown Overflow Tank with Ebara Pump

June 13, 2021
316 stainless steel 1350 litres blowdown overflow tank with an Ebara centrifugal pump

Pump Application Overview

In power generation industry, water from boilers are circulated to various parts of the plant.

Overflow tanks are used in such industries to avoid hot water spillage, which otherwise can be potentially hazardous.

Based on the customer's requirements, we designed and supplied a 1350 litres blowdown overflow tank with an Ebara 316SS centrifugal pump, coupled with E3 IP66 motor to pump water at 100 degree C.

The blowdown system, including the tank base and pump skid, was constructed in full 316 stainless steel.

Pump operation was controlled by a liquid level pressure transducer at the bottom of the tank in conjunction with an advanced single pump controller.

The pump was programmed to start and stop automatically upon water reaching a predetermined high and low level. These levels can be modified using the HMI screen, located within the advanced pump controller.

All items were supplied to the project’s required temperature rating of 100 Degrees C.

Ebara Centrifugal Pumps

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