High Viscosity Fluid Application - Netzsch Lobe Lumps

June 13, 2021

High viscosity fluid applications present unique challenges when it comes to getting fluids into the pump and out again without blockage or hindrance to flow rates. Blockages result in system downtime and affect production, which in term reduce output and profit.

Gear pumps, internal and external, are commonly used in high viscosity fluid applications. However, the gears can be easily damaged when pumping large solids. Gear pumps also require frequent maintenance, which halt production and increase overhead.

On the other hand, lobe pumps are more durable since the lobes do not make contact with each other. Lobe pumps are also corrosion resistance and offer good CIP/SIP characteristics.

All Pumps supplied customised-built Netzsch T2 Tornado rotary lobe pumps to an Australian manufacturer.

The Netzsch lobe pumps are Viton lined with Duplex steel rotors which are efficient in high viscosity fluid application pumping several different products at varying pressures and temperatures.

Lobe Pumps 

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